A lifetime of practice material.
Material by Mike Prestwood

Applying Flams to Rock Drum Set

Use your imagination and apply flams to the drum set. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Continuous Snare

You can use flams to play continuous notes on the snare. Play flams on your snare but move the primary note of the flam to another instrument like a tom, hi-hat, or crash. Optionally, you can back up a hi-hat or crash stroke with the bass.

Flams Demo

First, let's start with a demo of using flat flams on the drum set.

Visit web page to view video:
(YouTube Video ID=udRjF5dWuVI)

Exercise #1

Exercise #1 Video ♪♫

Exercise #1: Flams Snare/Tom Exercise

Visit web page to view video:
(YouTube Video ID=WRL4sch_IKU)

More Video Demos ♪♫

Exercise #1: Flams Snare/Cymbol Exercise

Visit web page to view video:
(YouTube Video ID=kCt-gl41rXs)

http://play-drums.com/drumset/Fills/flams.asp?Mode=Print Printed 1/16/2025 10:05:08 PM
A personal website of Mike Prestwood.
Copyright (C) Mike Prestwood. All Rights Reserved.